Monday, February 18, 2008

I feel a Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up" Moment fast approaching!

Yesterday was a drunken affair with a microphone at Duet, Kyle's I-am-temporarily-back-in-Manhattan bash in Midtown. It was an amazingly fun time and Jesse and I both agree we need to do Round 2 with the Brooklyn crew. So Sunday, March 2nd it shall be. Why not waste away another Sunday afternoon in a small room with about 10 of your closest friends? Sidenote: the establishment does not take kindly to patrons that bring their own alcoholic substances. Solution: just be even sneakier about it the second time around.

Duet's Website makes me want to laugh, but then I feel like I am laughing at someone, and not with someone:
Everyone can be "Britney Spears"
and everyone can be "John Toravolta."
Aww, Duet. Please don't kick us out again.

*** *** *** RECAP *** *** ***
This was the most fun I have had in a long time. Having the chance to be a complete (drunken) goofball in the privacy of friends was just what I needed. Plus, Jesse and I's heartbreaking rendition of "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" was a show-stopper. I suspect we shall be doing this again very soon!

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